Posted by: Zane Maser | February 12, 2010


Lately, life feels like one long, concentrated drama. Time is both speeding by but there also is the feeling of slowness, like a slug inching along its slimy trail of passage. Many of the people I know are up against it in one way or another, more so than is typical. The planetary gods are socking it to us, and it’s left to us to make the choice of whether we’re reactive or responsive. It’s rather like Suzuki Roshi saying, “life is like getting into a boat that’s just about to sail out to sea and sink.” The simple message of life is it’s constant flux: openings and closures.

Since Zoe’s physical passing, one of the most hard-hitting experiences I’ve had to face has happened. I knew it would be tough. I just didn’t know how tough. The stark closure came in the mail exactly six weeks after her death.

Zoe had been on a White Eagle animal healing list for the past four years, which meant that during each week many dedicated, selfless individuals prayed for her overall well-being. The animal (and human) healing lists are updated three times a year and then the current lists and patient reports are sent to the many White Eagle healers across North America. Receiving the new list—minus Zoe’s name—and reading my little report to the healers about Zoe’s passing was easier to contemplate as an eventuality than to encounter it as reality.

This is the first week I will do my animal healing service—a new opening—when I too will not be praying for our beloved Zoe. I have my hankie supply ready but I also need to remind myself that Zoe is quite unaware she is not with us. On the inner level of life, there is no space or time in this dimension, as we know it here, hence Zoe is always with us, as well as all our other animals. And every night our souls reunite in blissful companionship for none of us are ever truly separated from those we love, whether she or he is an animal or a person.

In actuality, there is no closure in this sense other than the loss of the physical form. There is, rather, an expansion, deepening, and closer relationship—spirit to spirit—than is generally achieved on the earthly level of life. In the midst of my grief, this incredible power of love is the indescribable joy and peace!

The efficacy and blessedness of being on one of the White Eagle healing lists, whether for our animals, ourselves, or someone we know closely (their willingness and permission granted, of course) is an experience of feeling warmly, gently, and lovingly supported and enfolded in Healing Light and the soft wings of angels!1 Furthermore, animals respond readily to spiritual healing, because, for one, they are not as cerebrally oriented as humans and secondly, they do not put up any “mental resistance” or mind barriers to the healing rays.

Consequently, this form of healing is often exceedingly effective for animals when used in combination with veterinary treatment, should it be required. Through working from the interior, soul level to the exterior, the healing acts first by strengthening the inner being or spirit, which then gradually works to bring all the bodies (physical, emotional, mental, and soul) into outer ease, harmony, balance, and health.2

At times, the results of this form of healing are immediate and “miraculous” but more often there is a quiet, gradual healing that transpires over the months and years not only for the animal or person on the list but also for the entire family system. This is similar to one of those hanging mobiles that used to be so popular. When you move one piece, the whole system of pieces moves in response—a lovely demonstration of the interconnectedness of all life.

This morning I cut a small bouquet of spring flowers comprised of snowdrops, miniature lavender Dutch iris, a single stem of both the aromatic white narcissus and a deep purple crocus, and Jet-fire daffodils. Spring flowers, the valiant forerunners that cheer our hearts from this year’s many interminable, grey days, bring the eternal promise of new openings and an influx of uplifting energies. The narcissus, daffodils, and crocus are tiny six-pointed stars.

In Eastern symbology, the Star signifies the heart chakra—the center of unwavering Love. The six-pointed Star expresses the perfect balance between Heaven and Earth, mortal and Eternal Life, the inner and outer worlds, and our human and Divine selves. A number of the spring flowers are actually six-pointed stars, and if we allow their healing energies to permeate our being, they can open our hearts!

To both honor our Zoe and this significant closure of her name coming off the healing list, I bought a very special can of Natural Value® cat food “red meat tuna in jelly topped with albacore” for Snowball, the feral cat we’ve been co-feeding with a neighbor. Zoe thoroughly enjoyed this flavor on Christmas day, her last day of physical life. I chose this meaningful flavor as a Valentine’s gift for the elusive Snowball. It is meant to be a celebration on two levels of life—Zoe’s inner world of spirit and our earthly state—and provides closure and a welcome to the growing days of Sunlight ahead. Zoe is happily anticipating Snowball’s relishing this fishy flavor as much as she did!

When those you love pass from the mortal body,
they go to a world of true happiness and light,
and they are only separated from you by mortal sense.
If you respond to the law of love, you will always
be at-one in heart and spirit with your beloved.
White Eagle

Similar Offerings:

• Returning to Animal Healing

• Life Survives

• Families in Spirit

• Heaven is Earth

• Angelic Intervention

• Star of Perfection

• The Gift of Release


  1. Any person or animal is welcome to be placed on a White Eagle healing list. If you would like more information, you can visit the website for the Americas Center
    For Canada
    For the United Kingdom and Europe
    For the Australian Center
  2. The White Eagle Booklets #6. “Spiritual Healing.” The White Eagle Publishing Trust. 1983 (Second edition, revised)


Text © by Zane Maser, 2010. Photo of daffodils from Wikimedia Commons, attributed to Dave Hitchborne of the U.K. Geograph Project. All rights of Zane Maser and SunnyCat Astrology reserved worldwide.

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My editorial guru and technological wizard is Chris Maser, my delightful husband.

If you are interested in an astrological consultation and/or a specific question answered by a horary chart, please visit SunnyCat© Astrology.

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