Posted by: Zane Maser | May 31, 2021


Consider and reflect on these in-the-now thoughts:

Now is. Now is complete. There is no now and.

Time is a figment.

It’s impossible to divide time.
Divinity is indivisible.

Time is non-segmented.
Now is the only perfect time.

Spiritual time is the real time—
all is happening right now.
Spiritually present, spiritually creating.

Now is the only gateway to an eternal moment.

Everything has its basis in the now.

Our conscious awareness shapes the
continuous now. The product or attainment of
now we carry with us even into future lifetimes.

The future is the extension of today,
of the continuity of now.

Now is the seed of the
future nourished in each moment.

The seed you plant foretells the result.

The magic, beauty, vitality, sanctity
of life is beheld now.

Cloud giants floating across the sky in
seamless motion, flowing without
breaks, stops, starts. Continuous sky.

The night sky is black right now
in its absence of moonlight. Now, the
night sky has a slight glow from the
crescent moon. The moon is half full
now, adding more and more light. Now,
fullness shines on all life.

Trust in now is trust in the
Universe functioning perfectly now.

Whatever event or thing that happened
a moment back that frightened you is
never here now. It is never an hour
ago or an hour from now. The past—
non-existent now—is gone in the now.

The only place something is present
is in my thoughts. Only I can bring a
childhood trauma into now—in my thoughts.
It only exists in my thoughts. It’s not
an external reality. If I dwell in it or
occupy myself with it, I make it real—
an internal reality only real to me.

The past and future only intrude if we allow
them to take up space in our mind.

When I’m in the now, the “process”
of time disappears. Many human things
require the passage or process of time,
like disease and aging.

If there is no clock in my thoughts,
then there are no minutes, hours, days.

Always I am being now.

What is before me now is the
only task of the moment.

I plan now by making an appointment
for next month, but it is always now.
When the appointment arrives, it is now.

Here and now be still.

Laughter and joy now. Laughter and joy as
the continuous music of the heart. Peace
now. Peace as the continuous quiet of the
heart. Love now. Love as the continuous
well-being of the heart.

When I was in my early 20’s, without much experience as a driver, I am heading north on a two-lane highway. A car pulls out into an intersection from a side road as I am passing a large truck. This puts me in the oncoming traffic’s lane, traveling at 55 miles per hour, but this very second time dissolves. I am unrattled. A calm voice inside instructs, “Step on the accelerator.” The whole sequence unfolds in slow motion. I hit the car with a glancing blow, which spins my car around. Rather than any fatalities, there are no serious injuries. It was the continuous now of listening inward to guidance and then trusting “the voice.” A policeman called to the incident said that through what would seem like a totally counter-intuitive action, I had saved the lives of perhaps all of us. The continuous now saved the lives! I was its instrument.

Fleeing from Egypt, Moses and the Hebrews arrived at the Red Sea. It parted in the exact moment of their need. When they were safely on the other side, the Red Sea closed.

It took Gautama almost two decades of extreme search and suffering, having most recently almost drowned in the Ganges River due to life-threatening weakness, but somehow—one step by one step—this inexhaustible seeker made his way to the Bodhi tree. There he sat for who knows how long. Then, in an instantaneous flash, illumination was upon him. Now, he was the fully awakened Buddha.


Other Mystical Offerings:

• Now is Non Comparative

• Spiritual “Now”-Ward-Ness

• The Timeless Trek

• Timeliness

• “BP” is Be Present

• Days of Presence

• It’s Already Present

• Constant Care

• The Oneness Of Cause-Effect


Text and Buddha photo © by Zane Maser, 2021. Other photos gratefully used from Free Images. All 2009-2021 rights of Zane Maser and SunnyCat Astrology reserved worldwide.

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Always am I grateful for the inspiration and editorial assistance from Chris Maser, my kind-hearted, generous soul mate.


  1. What incredible writing and life experience to teach us the divine is now and trust. Thank you

    • Thank you, Kathy. You are most welcome. So glad the post was beneficial and inspiring. In this moment, it’s wonderful to make the link with you. Lots of love!

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