Posted by: Zane Maser | December 3, 2015


As we enter the holiday spirit of heart-felt giving and the hastening approach of a New Year, there is an unsettled energy of uncertainty swirling around in the outer world. For many, their nervous systems are heightened, even if unnoticed below the radar of conscious awareness.


But we can choose to dissolve this subtle and overt pool of fear and reactive response by choosing to shed light and be a Light in the world. Such a shining example is the group of Maui residents who have generously taken a mile-long ti-leaf and orchid lei to the people of Paris and France. The message the organizers and volunteers have sent to Paris is “to remind the world of the existence and power of kindness, love and aloha – and to stand as a bright light to overpower the negativity in the world today.” The eight lei sections (as symbols for each Hawaiian Island) have added their love, unity, and spirit to the increasing gifts at the various memorial sites.

It is now even more vital for each of us to keep a tranquil mind and heart, to attend to our inner life—and to the extent that we actively withdraw several times a day for a few moments, we leave the turmoil and stress outside of our internal systems and thus give it no avenue of entry or power of effect. This is our powerful gift to the world.


The Law of Energy circulates from the inward to the outward, from the invisible realm of cause to the visible realm of result. So, when we can rest easily in our inner “atmosphere” of peace, kindness, goodwill, and joy, it becomes the reality for all the experiences of our outer life. As we gently release the “human scene” in our moments of silent reflection and listening, our heart centers in spiritual assurance. Divine Light and Love have never and will at no second ever leave us… An oasis of Light we are already.

In his final conversation with God, Neale Donald Walsch received an amazing collection of pearls of wisdom from the Divine Source.1 The following are a few of those spiritual pearls to take into your oasis of quiet contemplation in the days ahead and beyond into a new year of promise and increasing Light. Remember, you are the Light every moment! May these illuminative truths given by God be a comforting balm for your soul as they are to my soul.

“All of life is interconnected. No aspect or individuation
of the Whole acts independently of any other aspect
or individuation. Life continuously creates interactively.
We are producing outcomes mutually. There
is no other way We CAN produce them.” (page 19)

“All human beings are born with all the wisdom
of the universe imprinted on their souls. It is the
DNA of everything. Every living thing has this
[Divine Natural Awareness] built in. It is part of the
system. It is part of the process that you call Life.” (page 5)

“There is no truth except the truth that exists within you.
Everything else is what someone is telling you.” (page 14)

“Do not believe a single thing I say. Listen to what I say,
then believe what your heart tells you is true.
For it is in your heart where your wisdom lies, and
in your heart where your truth dwells, and in your
own heart where God resides in most intimate
communication with you.” (page 25)

“No matter which way you go, you cannot fail to get Home.
…Your outer world is the path. It is meant to lead you
back Home. Indeed, all the events in your outer
world are meant to do exactly that. That’s why you
put them there
.” (pages 18 and 21)

“Everybody is doing everything for themselves.
When you awaken to this awareness, you will have reached Breakthrough. And when you understand that this is true
even about dying, you will never fear dying again. And when
you no longer fear dying, you will no longer fear living.
You will live your life fully, right up until the
very last moment.” (page 3)

“You are the cause of your own death.
This is always true, no matter where, or how, you die.
…You cannot die against your will.” (pages 8 and 10)

“‘Death is an emergency’ because it is not about
‘dying’ at all. It is about merging and emerging.” (page 37)

“You are always immersed in the Divine.
You are immersed in it right now. …you are it.
You are Divinity, immersed in Divinity, expressing Itself
as the Individuated Aspect of Divinity known as You.
Therefore, in the truest sense, you are not on a
journey Home. You are already there. You are
Home with God always.” (page 35)


Additional Spiritual Offerings:

• The Global Heart

• Divinity Remembered

• Homeward Her Journey

• Life Survives

• Families in Spirit


1. Neale Donald Walsch. 2006. Home with God: In a Life That Never Ends. Atria Books. (Page number for each quote noted above).


Text © by Zane Maser, 2015. Photo of double rainbow © by Chris Maser, 2015. Emblem of the Paris lei used from “Lei for Paris” website. Other photo gratefully used from Wikimedia Commons. All 2009-2015 rights of Zane Maser and SunnyCat Astrology reserved worldwide.

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My editorial guru and technological wizard is Chris Maser, my stupendous husband.

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