Posted by: Zane Maser | October 31, 2012


Whatever it looks like on the physical level, at the
spiritual level we must trust that ALL is in DIVINE ORDER,
not only for the collective circumstances we face as a
particular nation or on a global scale in what a major
event is teaching us, such as Hurricane Sandy, but for its
perfect outworking in our individual, national, and global consciousness and for ALL life
on this magnificent planet.

Over the past several days, we have watched the creeping movement and unfolding force of the massive Hurricane Sandy, designated by meteorologists as a “rare, hybrid, super storm.” In what seemed like so few hours, there has been catastrophic devastation from high winds, super tides, flooding, heavy snowfall, power outages across several states that have left more than 7 million people in eerie darkness, fires raging, and a rising death toll. The Mid-Atlantic and East Coast regions of North America, spanning as far west as the Ohio River Valley, have been pummeled by this slow-moving “Frankenstorm” in ways that are almost incomprehensible, in spite of all the news coverage. In the physical, mental, and emotional aftermath, so many—likely all of us—are reeling in one way or another, whether directly affected by Sandy or not.

Each of us, in our own best way, reaches out utterly through heart-felt thoughts and prayers, with financial donations, or as one of the many needed relief workers in the upcoming days when the massive efforts of recovery are put into place, because nearly one-third of this country is affected. As Jean Houston intones, “we are after all the One in the Many and the Many in the One.” Her prayer is that we find the “community of all of us in this together”—which encompasses ALL levels of life.

My prayer is that The Global Heart of Endless Compassion was instantly activated as we Americans face and continue to deal with this enormous human and environmental crisis, especially on the eve of our national elections next week.

As resources and specialists are mobilizing in readiness in many parts of our country to travel to the East Coast, may The Global Heart as well be in readiness to serve, where each of us may be the most effective.

What many of us can do in the present moment is to maintain a calm and quiet mind and thereby be of tremendous assistance not only to the subtle, Energetic Gird of Earth but also to the people of America and all the relief workers who will travel to the East Coast. The steady, strong, tranquil, and loving thoughts and prayers will be of immense support in the days and weeks ahead as our National Community comes together. This serenity and peace of heart is the priceless gift we can offer personally and collectively, recognizing as well that in any outward suffering or catastrophe there is an inward compensation of mercy and love from the Divine Heart. Not a single thing or being is EVER overlooked.

Diane Sawyer, the ABC news anchor who covered the earthquake and tsunami in Japan last March 2011, reported that in the Japanese language one of their characters means “one body.” As she visited with numerous Japanese, they shared how they come together in solidarity and function as a single body in this sort of national crises, much like firefighters who hang on to their colleagues through the most perilous situations of life and death. If one falls, they all fall. If you go down, I go down too. I stand by you, and you stand by me. Thus, your home, life, and being are precious to me as mine are to you.

In the best-case scenario as a unified world body, we too can greatly amplify our combined support, care, compassion, and prayers for the people, animals, and land of America, and additionally for all the “ascending” souls who have already transitioned due to this immense hurricane. The united light in each of our hearts, focused on America, can make an enormous contribution in the short-term emergency situation and then to the longer-term healing, reconstruction, and future of all those on the East Coast and the recovery of their precious communities and environment.

When we are of One Common Heart, within the silence and light of our own hearts and also actively on the physical level as we come together, hand in hand, the service we render is incalculable. As we do it for another in each loving thought, word, and gesture, it too is done unto us, said the great Master and Healer.

As the flame of Light and Love shines brightly within our own hearts, let us each light a candle in honor of and for the sustainment of the beautiful spirit of the people, animals, and land of America. In this way, our whole nation can be truly lit with resilience, hope, new vision, and love. May those of compassionate hearts worldwide join us as lives and communities are put back together.


“People on the East Coast and everyone affected by the
hurricane are very much in my prayers at the moment.
I have been told that the Angel of Hope is there burning brightly,
and that lots of other angels are there helping to give
people courage and strength to face these challenges.

“The signs of hope are there – the angels have told me
these events have filled many Americans with compassion and
have made them reach out to help people in a much wider group
than they might have considered previously. I am told barriers
are being broken down, and that many Americans are
becoming their true selves.” — Lorna Byrne, author of
A Message of Hope from the Angels

Related Posts:

• The Global Heart

• Pray Ceaselessly

• Dr. Masuru Emoto’s Prayer for the Gulf of Mexico

• A Prayer of Love for the Earth

• Resilience

• Waves of Goodness

• The World is in our Neighborhood

• Charity Enacted

• A Symbol of Hope

• Honor All Loss

• Divine Shaping

Text © by Zane Maser, 2012. Photo © by Zane Maser, 2012. All rights reserved worldwide.

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My editorial guru and technological wizard is Chris Maser, my delightful husband.

If you are interested in an astrological consultation and/or a specific question answered by a horary chart, please visit SunnyCat© Astrology.


  1. Thanks Zane for a lovely reminder of our Oneness with all life! Linda

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